We love seeing a city through an artist’s eyes, and in this case, Cat Seto’s. Her new Impressions of Paris: An Artist’s Sketchbook contains a mélange of illustrations, notes and vignettes that uncover the many facets of this glorious city—from the quotidian to the ornate, the celebrated landmarks to the small, charming details tucked away in its tiny corners and crevices.
Cat shows us her art that has been inspired by the City of Lights, centering around four main principles—color, pattern, perspective and rhythm—and how this tremendous city continues to engage artists and creatives who draw on its beauty, history and joie de vivre to inspire their own work. Will we take this incredibly lovely guide with us to Paris one day? Mais oui!
Impressions of Paris: An Artist’s Sketchbook was written and illustrated by Cat Seto and published by Harper Design. Click here for a charming preview of the book. You can see where her impressions of Paris and life in San Francisco connect at @paristosf.