this year's valentine's kit

It's becoming a tradition to put together a Valentine's crafting kit for Avery and Nate.  This year's ensemble includes colored hearts, patterned hearts, round labels, scraps left over from other Valentine's cards we're making this year, small rectangular pieces of card stock, pieces of patterened wrapping paper, double-sided adhesive squares, twine, cotton ribbon from Angela Liguori's Studio Carta, washi tape and scissors with different decorative edges.

They've used the kit almost every day since I gave it to them.  I leave the kit out among their toys and it's a great open-ended way for them to craft and make art a few times a day, whenever they want to.  Nate is getting to practice his scissor skills.  Sometimes it's quiet and Avery and Nate are each doing their own thing, working on their own ideas, and sometimes they collaborate.  It provides opportunities for Nate to ask Avery for help, and for Avery to explain and demonstrate how to do something, so it's not just fun--it's practice in language, learning, being independent (and also depending on each other) and social experiences (getting along, negotiating, etc.).

Thanks to The Land of Nod for sending us suitcases for our kit!  Love how versatile these little suitcases are, and how they really do help organize, which is important when you have kids with a million things to keep track of and put away!